9 types of STAR PATCHWORK Blocks & Tips to sew them

A star block is one the most popular of all patchwork blocks. This post is all about the 8 most popular star blocks (there are many more) – you can, as usual, play with the colors used and create even more variations

Star Patchwork Blocks


1. Simple Star block

This is the most common of all star blocks. 

To make this block you need 4 Nos of squares in one soft colour  and 4 Nos of squares in deep colour (red for me) and 8 nos of half-triangle squares in both these colors. 

Check out this post on cutting and making the half triangle squares easily.

Arrange the squares in the sequence below. Sew them one by one and press as you sew. 

sew star patchwork block

2. Constellation star

sewing tutorial star patchwork block

To make these stars change the arrangement of the squares and triangle squares. 

3. Ohio Star

This star block is made of 4 quarter square units and 5 squares. 

sewing a star patchwork block

Arrange them in the following layout. 

how to sew star patchwork block
4. Six-point patchwork block (Eisenhower Star)

sewing star patchwork block

This is a patchwork star that you can use for applique.

To make this mark a diamond shape with 2 inch sides – check out this post on making a star ornament here for directions.

Cut out 6 such diamond shapes in your color.

Join them together. 

star cblocks for applique

5. Evening Star – Morning Star

star blocks

6. Braced star.

This is a variation of the ohio star. 

7. Friendship Star 

This is the simplest of all star blocks. It is a nine patch block (ie made of 9 square blocks). Learn more about 9 patch blocks here.

how to sew star patchwork block

To make this star block, cut out 4 nos of triangle squares in a deep color, 4 Nos of plain colored squares and 1 deep colour square . 

Join them in the sequence given below. 

8. Pinwheel star

9. Trailing Star 

Which one do you prefer for your next patchwork project?

Related posts : Names of different quilt blocks ; Different quilting stitches ; How to make a quilted blanket

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Sarina, author of all sewing, fashion designing articles

Author: Sarina Tariq

Hi, I love sewing, fabric, fashion, embroidery, doing easy DIY projects and then writing about them. Hope you have fun learning from sewguide as much as I do. If you find any mistakes here, please point it out in the comments.

2 thoughts on “9 types of STAR PATCHWORK Blocks & Tips to sew them”

  1. Minnie

    I think I will make your pinwheel star. I mad
    e the friendship star and it turned out very nice. I make baby quilts to donate to the Linus Project. We usually make the nine patch, but I think it is something special sometimes to make a pretty quilt.

    • Sarina

      Nice to know you were able to make the star; it is so kind of you to make charity quilts. Best wishes

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