Easy Drapey front waterfall style Jacket – Free Sewing PAttern

easy jacket pattern -with waterfall front

This  open draped front jacket is one of the easiest sewing projects you can make. Just two side seams and narrow hemming along the edges.

Fabric you can use to sew this Jacket – Chiffon, Georgette, Lightweight linen, Sateen, Silk, Cotton Lawn, Knits, lightweight denim; any fabric which will drape very well is suitable to sew this one

This jackets needs 3 pattern pieces – 2 fronts and one back.

To make the pattern you need to fold the front portion so that you can mark the extra lapel portion as well which extend from the bodice ( about 10 inch extra).

Front part is two parts- left and right bodice.

Remember to make sure you are mirroring patterns ie you have to have a left pattern and right pattern.

Measurements needed for sewing the jacket pattern

  • Bust round
  • Shoulder tip to shoulder tip

The height of the jacket is taken as 22 inches; if you are a taller person, measure your desired length and change it accordingly.

You need 2 fabric pieces to mark the front pieces – 23-24 inches in length and width, measuring 12 inches + 1/4 of your bust round. 

front pattern of the waterfall jacket
Front pattern of the waterfall jacket

Back pattern

Take a fabric 23-24 inches long and width equalling 1/2 of your bust round plus 2 inches. This is to be folded by the middle. Mark the dimensions of the pattern given below. 

Back pattern of the waterfall jacket - cut on fold

Armhole marking

To mark the armhole, follow the diagram below.

armhole of the jacket


Keep fabric folded right sides together and mark. Then cut through the middle after everything is marked. 

Mark the bodice of the jacket

The back is one piece and hence mark on a folded piece as per the direction below


easy jacket sewing

How to stitch the drapey front jacket

Sewing this waterfall jacket is very easy -it involves just 3 steps 

Step 1 – hem the bottom edges of 3 pattern pieces

Hem the bottom edge of the front pieces and back pieces. Make a narrow hem. To get a narrow hem, fold the fabric edge 1/4 inch inside. Stitch along very close to the fold. Trim whatever is extra. Fold again and stitch. You will get a very narrow hem.

 easy jacket pattern

Step 2 –Finish the front edge of the front pieces, back neckline, and armholes.

Make a narrow hem along the front fabric edge of the front pieces. Turn under the armhole edges also and finish neatly. Finish the back neckline edge.

Step 3- Join the front pieces to the back at the shoulder and sides

Join the side seams -Joining the front pieces to the back piece. Start joining from the hem ( so that you can keep it aligned / level).

I finished the seams with a mock french finish so that the edges will be neat inside. Mock french seam finish is nothing but seam allowances turned inside and stitched.

You can zig-zag stitch or use the overlocker or serger. Checkout the post on different ways to do seams for more options 

sewing jacket

Some mirror work or embroidery or bead embroidery would not be amiss in this jacket.

Related posts : Names of different jackets ; Make a simple velvet jacket

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Sarina, author of all sewing, fashion designing articles

Author: Sarina Tariq

Hi, I love sewing, fabric, fashion, embroidery, doing easy DIY projects and then writing about them. Hope you have fun learning from sewguide as much as I do. If you find any mistakes here, please point it out in the comments.

12 thoughts on “Easy Drapey front waterfall style Jacket – Free Sewing PAttern”

  1. Winsoul Ubani

    o I like this tutorial, it was very useful, thanks.

  2. Craftmantra

    Thank you for sharing such a great information


  3. hussy

    Hi, I still don’t understand the drapy cuts in the front part

    • Sarina

      It is like this – the front bodice has two parts. Both of them extend some 10 ” extra in the center . That part will fall down as the drapey front . Hope it is clear ?

  4. omolola

    Thank you for this tutorial it so helpful, please can this pattern be used for a kimono and does this (”) means inches and can i use cm instead of inches.

    • Sarina

      Hi omolola
      yes, ” means inches 🙂 you can simply google “-” inch to cms and it will give you the conversion
      for kimono jacket you can check them out here – https://sewguide.com/best-kimono-jacket-tutorials/

  5. Selvi

    Looks impressive and easy.

    How much of fabric I will need? How to calculate the length of fabric I need?

    • Sarina

      I made it in about 2 meters cloth taken from a long shawl

  6. Susie Chang

    I Made this jacket today – very easy to sew

    • Sarina

      Thank you for reading:)

  7. Sandra Taylor

    Thank you for the pattern making Tutorial!

    • Sarina

      Thanks for reading

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