You can braid 4 strands of yarn, cords, rope, silk or metallic gimp thread, fabric tubes etc to form a thick braid that you can use in several ways like trimming, making jewelry, etc. And there is more than one way of making this very useful and versatile 4-strand braid.
How to make a braid with 4-strands
Method 1 for a 4-Strand Braid
This is a particular type of braid called the ladder braid in which the middle strands stays the same. The outer braids are worked into knots over the core strands in the middle.
For making this type of braid, you will need 2 types of strands. Two strands are kept in the middle as the core strands. Two strands are kept on either side of the core strands are the working strands.
How to braid
Step 1. Keep the strands in front of you. Tie the strands at the top.
I have taken different colored strands so that the method can be easily explained.

Step 2. Turn the left strand (Pink strand) towards the right, above the rest of the strands.

Step 3. Take the right strand (Yellow strand) and bring it over the pink one.

Step 4. Turn the yellow strand behind the core strands to the left

Step 5. Bring up the yellow strand through the loop of the pink strand.

Step 6. Pull the strands taut to tighten the knot.

Continue doing this till you have finished making this beautiful 4-strand ladder braid.

Method 2 for a 4-Strand Braid
Step 1 Line up your 4 strands.

Step 2 Turn the right hand side strand (blue strand) over the left strand (yellow strand)

Step 3 Bring the left strand (Green strand) over the 2 right side strands (orange strand and the blue strand you turned earlier)

Step 4 The earlier sequence is to be repeated. Ie the right strand (yellow) is turned to the left over the left strand (green strand)

Step 5 Orange strand is turned to the right over two strands Yellow and blue.

Tighten the braid and continue doing these till you get a nice and thick braid.

Method 3 for a 4-Strand Braid
The method used here is the same as the above one. But the difference is in using 2 light strands and 2 dark strands. This will create a chevron effect on your braid.

Step 1. Take 2 dark strands and 2 light strands. Keep the dark strands on either side of the middle light strands.

Step 2. Bring the right strand (dark one) over the light strand on its left.

Step 3. Bring the left dark strand over the next two strands (light and dark ones)

Step 4. Repeat the above steps, tighten the braiding and you will get a nice chevron effect 4-strand braid.

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