A foldover clutch is just what it says it is – a clutch that is folded over. It is an easy way to make a clutch purse. You just need some fabric and 2 magnetic snaps.
And interfacing. There is nothing that matters more than interfacing (other than the outer fabric) to make a bag or a purse look good, so stock up on lots of interfacing if you intend to make bags or purses like this. (Find out what all you need to make bags and purses here.)
I am also using 2 magnetic snaps as fasteners
How to sew the Fold-over clutch

How to sew the fold over clutch – sewing tutorial
Cut out the fabric pieces for the clutch purse.

Cut out two pieces of the outer bag and two pieces for the lining of dimension – 14 inches by 11 inches. Adjust as needed. Attach interfacing.
Shorten the lining pieces by 1/2 inch
On the 11-inch side, cut out 1/2 inch- do for both lining pieces.
Attach magnetic snap on lining
On both the pieces of lining, attach the two parts of a magnetic snap 1 inch from the short edge. If your lining fabric has a right side, this is attached on the right side.
Attach the snaps
It will be better to interface the back where the snap is attached.The magnetic snap is placed 1 inch from the short edge.
Attach Magnetic snap to outer fabric
The other magnetic snap is attached to one of the outer fabrics – the one you mean to place on the front. The projecting part is attached 3 inches from one edge, and the other part is placed 5 1/2 inches from the other end. Remember to center align and try to close it so that it looks alright.
Sew the 2 bags (Seperately) – outer and lining
Sew the outer bag by keeping the 2 outer pieces together (rightsides to the inside). Sew them together on the 3 sides.
Sew the lining bag by keeping the 2 lining pieces together (so that the magnetic snaps come inside). Sew them together on the 3 sides
Turn outer bag rightside out
Insert outer bag inside the lining bag
Keep the outer bag right side out and the lining bag right side in. Insert the outerbag inside the lining bag.
Stitch them together
Stitch the top edges together (that of lining and outer bag); But leave 2 inches unstitched.
Bring outer bag rightside out
The unstitched portion is for this – the outer bag is brought out through the hole
Sew the hole shut
Press everything neatly so that the lining is tucked to the inside. You need to sew the hole closed. Either top stitch with machine or use slip stitches or whip stitches
The fold over clutch is finished
Now simply close the magnetic snaps on the front and your fold over clutch purse is done