Sewing Pants Zipper : An Easy way to zip the fly

A Pant Fly refers to the short opening over the crotch line in pants. A zippered fly has a zipper fastener securing the opening of the fly; this opening has to be sewn in such a way that the zipper is concealed and fixed to the inside.

I read countless tutorials to learn it but somehow I couldnot make head or tail of it.Now at last I have found the easy way to do it. 

Count on you to find the easiest way, lazy goose“, said the fly to the spider!

pant fly with zipper

How to sew a Pant fly Zipper

Step 1

Cut out the front pattern pieces of the pants

You also need two pieces of facing fabric ; length = length of the fly opening + 1/2; width = 3″ ; fold this by half so that each is 1.5 inch wide

You also need pant zipper, ofcourse.

Cut out the pant pieces , placket and zipper

Step 2

Take the left pant piece; keep it right side up

left pant piece rightside up and placket fold sides to the outside for the pant fly with zipper tutorial

Keep the folded facing piece along the crotch edge. Pin in place and stitch in place

Step 3

Take the right pant piece; keep it right side up

Keep the zipper along the edge, right side down

ziper face down on the other side of the pant fly zip tutorial

Keep the next folded facing piece along the edge on top. Folded side to the inside.

keep the placket on top of the zipper for the pant fly zipper diy tutorial

Stitch in place; you may have to hand baste in place or pin so that everything will stay in place while you sew it.

You will also have to use a zipper pressure foot so that you can stitch really close to the zipper tooth

Step 4

the two sides of the pants with the zipper and plackets sewn

Make a small snip at the seam allowance on both the pieces where you mean the fly to end

Step 5

Turn the right pant piece to the front; Keep the facing to one side and stitch from the top along the edge. Here the facing is to be placed so that it is extended beyond the zipper.

With the left pant piece, turn the facing to the back of the piece

the placket turned to the back

Top stitch in place along the edge.

top stitch in place

Step 6

Keep the two pieces right sides to the inside together.

sew the legs together for the pant fly zipper diy

Sew the curved seam of the pant pieces together ; look at  the picture for guidance

sew the curved seams  of the pants

The pant will look like this from the right side

how pants will now look from the front

Step 8

Now turn the pant back side up. Open the zipper; remember one edge of the zipper is unstitched

Sew zipper on the other side of the pant fly

Keep the facing on the other side and the zipper teeth unstitched edge to the left side seperate from the pant pieces ie bring the zipper and the facing to one side. 

Place the unstitched zipper edge on top of the facing at an angle as in the picture. Pin in place (to the facing).

sew the zipper down for the pant zipper sewing tutorial

Stitch the zipper in this position to the facing with the zipper foot- very closely along the zipper teeth.

pant zipper fly tutorial

As a final touch you can top stitch  over the left side of the pant ( when you wear it) along the zipper in a  curved line over the facing, fixing everything in place. Look at the fly in the jeans for an idea. 

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Sarina, author of all sewing, fashion designing articles

Author: Sarina Tariq

Hi, I love sewing, fabric, fashion, embroidery, doing easy DIY projects and then writing about them. Hope you have fun learning from sewguide as much as I do. If you find any mistakes here, please point it out in the comments.

21 thoughts on “Sewing Pants Zipper : An Easy way to zip the fly”

  1. James Stephanie

    Thanks, it is so helpful, I love the way u took your time on the illustration.God bless you

  2. PeeJay

    Very understandable

  3. Bekky Cameron

    So easy. Fantastic sewing pattern.

  4. Maria Rodrigues

    Thank you for your easy to follow tutorial. God bless you.

  5. Bukunmi

    Thank you very much
    It really work out for me

  6. Kalu nnanna okoro

    That’s so helpful

  7. Kathy Juntikka

    I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

  8. Bibi

    Thanks alot
    I’ve learnt a lot here

  9. Wusitda jeremiah

    Thanks with this basics, and it very helpful

  10. Micheal

    thank you so much.
    Really helpful and made easy.

  11. Sampson ikenna

    Very good, am very happy aboutnthis. God bless you for this information

    • Sarina

      Thanks Sampson

  12. Morgan Pillay

    Thank you this is a lesson that I am going to try today.

    You are a good person

  13. Elizabeth AKINKOYE

    Thanks for this details about zipper fly. I now have clear understanding.

  14. Tobi Dada

    this is what had been my difficult aspect on trouser sewing

    • Sarina

      Hope you found this clear and helpful, Tobi

  15. Mary

    This is the solution I’ve been searching for a long while. Thank you for this

    • Sarina

      Nice to know Mary

  16. Anatolia

    Thank u for your tutorials. Very Practical Indeed!


    This basic is helping me so much, thanks a lot !!

  18. zenaida

    Nice that I found this sew guide I will learn a lot from this.

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