Cast on Stitch Embroidery : The best stitches

cast on stitch

Cast on embroidery stitch is a very dimensional stitch that is commonly used in Brazilian embroidery. It is usually made with a high sheen rayon floss or a shiny Perle cotton thread and is one of the most beautiful of all hand embroidery stitches. 

One cast on stitch makes the petal of a flower, a bud, leaf, and whatever you want it to be. It is like the bullion stitch in  its versatility (Follow the bullion stitch tutorial here)

How to make cast on stitch.

Follow these steps :

Make a knot at the end of your thread (single Perle cotton thread is threaded on a long thin needle) 

Come up through the fabric at the point where you want the petal (at A in the picture).

bring up the needle and thread on A to make the cast on stitch

Insert the needle a little distant from where you came up  (B) and come up near the first point again (A).

take up a straight stitch

Make a loop of the thread as in the picture.

make a loop with the embroidery thread

Insert the needle through the loop.

insert the needle through the loop

Take the stitch to the back of the needle.

Bring the loop down on the needle

After the first cast-on do more – the same action shown above is repeated to make the stitches on the needle – usually more than 5 are made on the needle.

Make similar loops on the needle with the thread to complete the cast on stitch

When you do it in real-time repetitively, the action will become very easy and automatic. Only the first cast-on stitch is difficult to make – the subsequent stitches can be made blindfolded.

Take up the needle, bringing the stitched part down (slowly ease it down the thread)

anchor the cast on embroidery stitch

Bring it down till the stitch is down to the fabric and where you want it to be. Smooth everything. Make sure there is no thread loose or anything projecting out other than your very attractive cast-on stitch. Take the needle down at B. 

 a curved petal with the cast on stitch

You can come up at another place to make your next cast on stitch.

Make several cast on stitches around a circle to make a rose

Arrange the petals in different ways to make your own different types of flowers.

rose made with cast on stitches for 3 d embroidery

How to sew a 3-d rose with cast on stitch

cast on stitch rose with gradient colors

Make a french knot stitch in the middle and then two or three bullion knots around.

French knot in the middle and then bullion knots around the french knot

Make overlapping cast on stitches all around these.

make cast on stitches arounthe bullion stitches - rose flowers embroidery

After the first simple cast on stitches you can make them wider using two needles – you have to keep another needle or two together with your main needle as you knot your cast ons.

To make wider petals make with 2 needles - cast on stitches

Continue making wider cast-on stitches.Remove the extra stitches as you take down the stitch.

wide cast on stich petals for the flowers

Double cast on stitch

This is made using two colors of thread. I have used 2 shades of violet here. It gives a nice variegated effect.

cast on stitch with variegated thread

Come up with the two colored threads at the same spot.

Use 2 threads and 2 needle - variegater thread

Alternate between the threads as you make cast on stitches on the needle.

make cast on stitches alternating from both sides

When you go down to finish the stitches remember you will have to take down both the thread.

Drizzle cast on stitch

This is a stand alone cast on stitch. It stands almost upright. Instead of taking the second jab a little distant from the first you make the stitch in the same spot (A).

It is a great stitch that can give depth and act as a filler in any floral embroidery project. 

Related posts : Easy embroidered flowers ; How to embroider a rose flower; Brazilian embroidery; Stitches for hand embroidery. ; Embroidery filler stitch; Braiding stitches

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Sarina, author of all sewing, fashion designing articles

Author: Sarina Tariq

Hi, I love sewing, fabric, fashion, embroidery, doing easy DIY projects and then writing about them. Hope you have fun learning from sewguide as much as I do. If you find any mistakes here, please point it out in the comments.
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