Make Braided Cord – with simple circular cardboard loom

Braided CORD

To make this beautiful cord, you need 7 pieces of yarn and a cardboard circle.

take 7 yarn or cords

Cut out a small circle piece of cardboard. It can be any size. I have cut out one of size 7 inches in diameter.

Mark lines on the cardboard by the center as in the picture below – you will be drawing 4 lines totally. 

take a cardboard and mark lines on the cardboard by the center to make the Braided CORD

Cut 1/2 inch slits along these lines along the periphery of the circle. Make a small hole (big enough for your yarns to pass through.

make a hole in the middle of the cardboard loom to make the braided cord

Tie the yarn together at the top.

tie the cord to make the Braided CORD

Insert the yarn through the hole so that the knot is at the back.

The knot should prevent the yarn from going through to the back.

insert the cord through the hole
the other side of the cardboard loom

Take the yarn one by one through the slits on the periphery of your circle – one slit will be vacant without yarn, because you have 8 slits and only 7 yarn pieces.

Bring the vacant slit in the down position as in the picture below.

bring all the cord thorough the slits on the cardboard

Remember that subsequently you should bring the slit without yarn always in this down position.

Identify the third yarn up from the vacant slit without yarn on the right side – the one with the flower symbol. 

start from where the star is marked

Bring it down over the vacant slit.

bring the cord over to where the arrow points

Bring the now vacant slit to the down position. Now the blue one (three yarn from the right side of vacant slit) is the one with the flower symbol.

Bring it down over the vacant slit.

Now rotate the circle and bring the now vacant slit to the down position. Refer picture below.

continue moving the cord as the cardboard loom makes the braided cord

Do you get the chronology?

Repeat the same action over and over again till the whole thread is used up or you have got the length you want or you have had enough .

braided cord

As this braided cord is made by intertwining multiple strands or cords, it is as durable as the material you make it from and may even be more durable.

You can use it as drawstrings for clothes, bags, as shoelaces, as belts, and even for making jewelry. If you use sturdy nylon fibers, you can also employ it for outdoor purposes, similar to store-bought paracord.

I’m sure you can think of other ingenious uses for this versatile braided cord.

Related posts : Kumihimo braiding; 16 Different types of cord ; Making cording with embroidery thread; How to make beaded cord.

beaded cord

Related posts on Macrame cords : What cord to use for Macrame; How to measure cord for macrame

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Sarina, author of all sewing, fashion designing articles

Author: Sarina Tariq

Hi, I love sewing, fabric, fashion, embroidery, doing easy DIY projects and then writing about them. Hope you have fun learning from sewguide as much as I do. If you find any mistakes here, please point it out in the comments.