Easy Christmas Tree Embroidery designs

If you have thought of embroidering things related to Christmas, other than the obvious Christmas embroidery motifs like Santa and stars, I can highly recommend Christmas trees. They are super simple to draw and embroider and very symbolic. Do you know what the Christmas tree symbolizes? It symbolizes life, hope, and survival. I will tell you how, but you may have already guessed. It is the evergreen tree, after all.

A Christmas tree can be any one of these trees – fir, spruce, or pine, and all of them are evergreen – they look vibrant and alive throughout all the seasons. Evergreen trees keep their needles and green color year-round, while all other trees lose their leaves in winter. If this isn’t survivalistic what is? This makes it a symbol of life, just right for the spirit of the Christmas season.

To embroider your tree, you can use all shades of green, from the brightly colored lime greens or parrot greens to muted greens like olive green or moss green to dark shades of green like hunter green and jungle green. But I guess you can’t go wrong with green shades like pine green and fern green. You can add metallic threads or sparkling embellishments to your embroidery to capture the festive spirit.

Here are some simple embroidery designs for your Christmas-related project. You do not need a complex step-by-step guide to creating a basic Christmas tree embroidery project – it is as easy as making a geometric pattern or a simple scribbled drawing and the most basic embroidery stitches.

Watch the video for an easy 3-D christmas tree:

Simple Christmas Tree Embroidery Designs

Draw Your Tree

Start with a simple triangle for the tree’s shape or conical shape. Add a small rectangle at the bottom for the trunk.

If you want the look of a pine tree with soft feathery pine needles as leaves, you can draw a shape like this

Choose Your Stitches

First start filling your triangular shaped tree with satin stitches. Satin stitch works well for a solid, filled look.

For a bigger design, use long and short stitch as filling stitch.

After filling, you can give an outline to emphasize the design. Use backstitch, stem stitch or chain stitch to outline the tree.

For a textured look, similar to the pine tree leaves, you can use fern stitches or straight stitches to make up the leaves of your tree.

I am using cotton perle thread here. Just one strand is enough to sew the needles. You can also use embroidery floss with 6 strands. Just choose the number of strands you are going to use according to your design.

Fill the whole tree with similar stitches. Use different colored thread (in shades of green) for a shaded look.

Add Decorations

French knots or small beads can act as ornaments. Or attach sequins for a sparkly effect.

A small gift box can be embroidered with a four sided stitch.

christmas tree motif for embroidery

Add stars with star stitches or use small french knots for this.

There are many other ways to embroider the trees.

A super simple way is to just make a tree with just outline stitch.

My favourite method of embroidering the christmas tree is the ever versatile lazy daisy stitch. Just use detached lazy daisy stitches in pairs in a v shape along the tree branches as in the picture below.

You can use lighter shades along the top.

Finish embroidering the leaves.

Fill in the branches and the tree trunk with stem stitches. Add small red french knots as ornaments.

Related posts : Basic stitches to embroider this; Make fabric Christmas ornaments

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Sarina, author of all sewing, fashion designing articles

Author: Sarina Tariq

Hi, I love sewing, fabric, fashion, embroidery, doing easy DIY projects and then writing about them. Hope you have fun learning from sewguide as much as I do. If you find any mistakes here, please point it out in the comments.

1 thought on “Easy Christmas Tree Embroidery designs”

  1. Di

    Love to see the different designs. I would like to feel confident enough to try some of these. I have many unfinished projects.

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