DIY Toddler Purse – 2 easy to make Bags for a Little Girl

Nothing like a small purse to make a little kid feel all grown up and girly. For a sewing mama, it will hardly take an hour to whip up one of these functional purses for the little princess. A make-believe game or a play date with her best friend – all occasions for a little girl’s purse.

Easy Peasy bag for little girls

Step 1 Cut out fabric for the bag. You need one outer bag fabric, One lining fabric and interfacing for these two in the same dimensions ie 9 inch wide by 16 inch long fabric .

Cut 2 fabric pieces 3 inch by 22 inch for handles. These go over the shoulder – you can make it shorter for a bracelet handle bag

cut out one outer fabric one lining and handle fabrics for making a bag for small kids

Step 2 Sew the bags.

NB: Treat both outer and interfacing as one

Make the outer bag by keeping the fabric folded and sewing the sides together. Here the outer fabric and interfacing for that are treated as one. I am using flannel for interfacing as it is very soft and fluffy.

Sew the edges of the outer and folded lining fabric

Box the bottom edge by sewing across the corners 1.5 inches 

box the corners to make a flat bottom

Make the lining bag the same way

outer bag and lining bag

Step 3 Make handles.

Use flannel interfacing for the handles also. You can  fold the handle fabric right sides together by the long side by half and stitch through almost the middle. Do not cut away the extra. 

make handles for the  litle girls purse

When you turn this fabric tube right side out this extra will create a very fluffy handle for the bag.Make two handles ( or one, if you just want to attach one to the sides). Top stitch the handles along the two edges for a sturdy look.

Padded bag handles for the girls little purse

Step 4 Now all these have to be joined together.

Keep the outer bag right side out, lining bag inside out

Assemble outer bag, inner bag and the bag handles

Keep the outer bag inside the lining bag. Keep the handles in between the lining bag and outer bag. Position them correctly as you want. Pin in place. 

Keep the outer bag inside the lining bag. Keep the handles in between the lining bag and outer bag.

Stitch along the top joining everything together. You have to leave two inches unstitched – for turning the bag right side out

Turn the bag right side out through this hole. 

bring the little girls purse through the hole left in sewing

Step 5 Close the hole by stitching with a hand sewing needle and thread or by machine. 

hand sew the opening closed

I have added a small ribbon flower layered on a fabric yo-yo, on the face of the bag.

The gfinished little girl purse

If you want to make them check out the tutorial to make fabric flowers, ribbon flowers, and fabric yo-yo here. These purses can be customised in many ways -just change the dimensions to make it smaller (maybe not, it is small) or bigger, add some flower embroidery designs, paint her name or embroider her name, make it with patchworked fabric , add fabric bows or ribbon bows.  

Easy Denim and T-shirt Recycle purse

easy denim bag for a little girl

Step 1 Cut up an old t-shirt ( It should be a colorful one)  into 2 to 3 inch wide strips across. You need 6 such strips to make the handles of the purse

Cut out strips of fabric out of old tshirts

Cut open one side of these tubes you have cut. Stretch it out.

Hold them together and braid

Braid it as you do with hair with three braids or make a four strand braid or five strand braid or a seven braid handle.

braiding using 3 strands

When you reach the end, join the short ends together with hand sewing needle. Keep aside. I have ridges in the braid – should have cut the overlocking stitches and seam allowance in the joint in the middle.

the braids are attached forming a tube

Step 2 Cut out the two bag pieces from the leg portion of an old jeans ( or use a thick fabric)

cut out the denim fabric in the shape of a wedge for sewing the little girls purse diy

Cut it out

Step 3 I have done applique work on the bag front with the same t-shirt remnant. 

make applique flowers

If you are unfamiliar with applique do check out this post on sewing machine applique and Hand Applique Tutorial for Beginners

cut out applique from the same fabric used for the bag handles

When you are using knit fabric for applique you have it easy; no need to turn under the edges or use satin stitch to hide the edges. The fabric donot fray. Just sew a blanket stitch all around.

use blanket stitches to sew the applique on the little girls purse
sew the flowers

Step 4 Keep the two bag pieces – front and back right sides together and sew along the sides and bottom joining them together.

You can also box the bottom edge by sewing the corners.

box the bag bottom


The bottom portion will be boxed like this

the flat bottom of the bag

Step 5 You can finish the bag sewing by keeping the handle circle you have made, on top of the top edge and stitch it . You should turn under the top edge first before joining the braided handle. Use a wide zigzag stitch for proper attachment. 

attach the bag handles

Related posts: Sew a dress for your little girl; Sew a gathered waist dress with back fastener.

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Sarina, author of all sewing, fashion designing articles

Author: Sarina Tariq

Hi, I love sewing, fabric, fashion, embroidery, doing easy DIY projects and then writing about them. Hope you have fun learning from sewguide as much as I do. If you find any mistakes here, please point it out in the comments.

8 thoughts on “DIY Toddler Purse – 2 easy to make Bags for a Little Girl”

  1. Roberta

    Thank you for the easy pattern and very easy to followinstructions. . I quilted the main body in batik strips and my granddaughter loves it. Roberta

  2. Sherry

    Thanks for this! I always need someone to keep me straight on what is turned inside out to join lining to main fabric. Made a cute little bag for granddaughter’s 3rd birthday in spring using two pink fabrics (sewed together for a light top and darker bottom) and cut up old jeans for interior. I added a pocket before sewing the side seams to both the inside and outside. Decided on one strap since she’s so young, would be easier.

    • Sarina

      Nice to know that, Sherry. Bestwishes

  3. Emma Stewart

    You did a very good job. Your pattern is just what i was looking. Thanks.

    • Sarina

      Thanks Emma

  4. Cynthia

    Very nice job on this tutorial. I really enjoyed your site.

    Thank you for your efforts.

    • Sarina

      Hi Cynthia

  5. Leonie

    Thank you for the designs

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