Easy Drawstring lounge pants (Free DIY Sewing Pattern)

If you are looking for sewing pants with minimal sewing skills and one that can be completed quickly, this is a perfect project for you. This pattern and sewing can be completed within limited time and you will get comfortable and very versatile pants.

Make Sewing pattern for Drawstring lounge pants

Front leg Pattern

front pattern for the legs of the drawstring lounge pants

Back Leg Pattern.

back pattern of the lounge pants

What do you need to make this easy pants

  • Cording or braid for the drawstring or thin fabric tubes
  • Fabric – Twice the Length needed +1/4 meters extra (around 10 inches)
  • Crosswise cut fabric strip – 5 inch wide; length = waist round of the pants + 1″ (This is for the waistband)
  • Interfacing – 2 – 1″ square pieces for reinforcing buttonholes
drawstring lounge pants

How to sew the drawstring pants

Cut the pattern pieces

Cut out the pattern pieces for the pant leg pieces (4 in total) and the waistband. 

Step 1. Sew crotch seams

Stitch the crotch seams of back pieces together ( right sides together) first; and then front pieces together.

How the two pieces looks now.

You have two pieces now – the front part and the back part, after you have sewn the crotch seam of the front pattern pieces of the drawstring lounge pants

Step 2. Sew the outer seam of front and back together

Keep the two leg pieces together, right sides to the inside. Sew the outerseam of the legs together.

Sew the inner seam

You will have to sew the leg seams (inner), joining the back and front together.

Step 3

Hem your pant legs. I would do a blind hem stitch. You can just turn under 1/2 inch twice and stitch. 

Step 4

Make a waistband

For the waistband cut out double fold fabric strip 

    • Width = 5 inch width 

    • Length = Measure the waist round of the pants you have made. Add 1 inch to this Length.

Fold the strip by 2 3/4 inch on one side and 2 1/4  inch on either side of the center fold lengthwise.

Now fold 1 inch from both the edges inside. Press again by the fold in the middle. you have a double fold strip which is slightly wider on one side as the picture above. 

Step 5

Make buttonholes on the center front

Mark the center of this bias tape strip. Mark  two marks for buttonholes or eyelets  1/2 inch to either side of  the center of the bias tape on one side (which will be the face of the waistband – the 2 3/4 inch wide piece).

Attach interfacing to the back of the buttonholes

Attach some interfacing to the back of where you marked. Make two buttonholes where you marked.

You can make buttonholes easily with your sewing machine or  checkout the proper hand sewn buttonhole tutorial here.

Sew the buttonholes

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Step 6

Open the bias tape, and pin the bias tape center ( 2 3/4 wide side) to the pant center seam ( the crotch seam) so that the buttonholes are on either side of the center seam of the pants. Pin all along till the back. Stitch with a 1/2 inch seam allowance . ie you will be sewing along the first crease in the bias tape ( with a 1″ seam allowance). 

When you get all the way around to the end of the tape, 1/2 before the fold the top length under about 1/4″, and sew it over the raw edge of the start of the tape.
Step 7

Stitch the back of waistband – Because the bias tape is wider on the other side ( 3 1/4 inch), you can ditch stitch from the top and catch the back fold of the bias tape in place.

You can also hand stitch the  bias tape with a whip stitch. 

attach the waistband to your drawstring pants

Step 8

Thread the cord through the casing. Keep the drawstring in place .  Bring the ends out through the drawstring buttonholes on the outside.

Thread a drawstring through the buttonholes around the waistband

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Sarina, author of all sewing, fashion designing articles

Author: Sarina Tariq

Hi, I love sewing, fabric, fashion, embroidery, doing easy DIY projects and then writing about them. Hope you have fun learning from sewguide as much as I do. If you find any mistakes here, please point it out in the comments.
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