Make an easy Hood – DIY Pattern & sewing tutorial

Add a Hood to any dress of yours 

Buying a hoodie turns out to be mighty expensive. What if you can turn any tshirt of yours into a hoodie by making this hood with scraps you have in your fabric stash and stitch it to your clothes. Instant Hoodie – yay.If you want a full on hooded scarf with pockets checkout this tutorial. 

Draft pattern for a Hood

Measure the Front neck of your bodice and the back neck of your bodice (Ignore the seam allowance); Measure Head round over the eyes and Head round vertically (Ist picture)

hood sewing pattern measurement

Measure the neckline of your bodice. Leave out the seam allowance.


Step 1. Draw a line A- B = Half of head round plus 2 inches.

Draw perpendicular from B ; A-B = Half of vertical round plus 1 inch Or 2 inch (depending on the loose you want).

hood pattern sewing -free

Draw C-D so that C-E = half of back neckline and E-D is half of front neckline

Step 2. Mark 1/2 inch up from C and 1/2 or 1 inch down from D

hood pattern sewing

Step 3. Draw curved lines connecting G-E-H

hood sewing pattern

Step 4. Connect G-B with a curved line.

Hood pattern sewing pattern

Measure the half measure of back neckline and front neckline on the curved line G-E and E-H. Adjust the lines B-H and A-C taking this into account.

hood template sewing

Adjust the hood pattern according to your preference.

Cut out the new hood pattern.

hood pattern

Add seam allowance.

Make the pattern first in paper; then mark it directly on the fabric 

When cutting the fabric, mark the pattern on folded fabric so that you get mirror images. If you are not , and If you are marking the pieces individually do remember to mark the pattern left and right

If you are lazy to make the above pattern from scratch, you can just copy the hood pattern given below with standard measurements – Adjust as you want. 

hood pattern

How to sew the hood

Step 1

Cut out the 2 hood pattern pieces and 2 lining pieces (ensure that you have 2 mirrored pieces.)

cut the hood pattern pieces from the fabric

Step 2

Sew up the top curved portion of the outer fabric right sides together and then the lining pieces right sides together

sew the outside edge

Step 3.

Keep the outer fabric an lining hoods right sides together. I have kept outer hood right side out inside the  lining hood which is wrong side out. Stitch them together along the front and bottom edge leaving a 2 inch opening

sew the inside edge

Step 4

Turn the hood right side out through the opening you have left open. Stitch the opening closed

sew the hole closed
hood pattern

Attaching to Garment

Align and pin the open edge of the hood to the neckline of your garment, right sides together. Remember to pin from the center of the back neckline. Sew along the neckline.

Related  posts: Names of different hoodies ; Sewing tutorial for a snood ; Sew a neckwarmer scarf


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Sarina, author of all sewing, fashion designing articles

Author: Sarina Tariq

Hi, I love sewing, fabric, fashion, embroidery, doing easy DIY projects and then writing about them. Hope you have fun learning from sewguide as much as I do. If you find any mistakes here, please point it out in the comments.